The Sideline Perspective

Where injured and retired athletes come together to share experiences, find community, and move forward with purpose.

Tackling life beyond sport isn't something our coaches teach us. It's not in the playbook they give us during pre-season, it's not part of the post-game speech, and it's certainly not mixed in during conditioning sessions.

To be honest, navigating who we are beyond being an athlete is a daunting process - one that we are often left entirely unprepared for. We face questions like "Who am I?" ... "What's next?" ... and the one that hit me the hardest... "Am I the only one feeling lost right now?"

Well guess what - you're human. And, there is a whole community of sidelined athletes out there trying to figure out the same things you are. I know because I'm one of them. Welcome to The Sideline Perspective, we're in this together.

- Mac, The Sideline Perspective Founder

What's your story?

Everyone has their own story!  How did you end up on the sidelines?  How did you deal with it?  We all benefit from each other’s stories and welcome you to tell yours…